When you receive this error message, you usually will see the output device's name on the second line of the message. This message indicates Lightning device is having problem communicating with the output device and request a special handling.
Special Notice:
- If you are using ARIES or ARIES LE, please make sure the volume has been set at 100 when playback DSD material, otherwise you will get this error message.
- If the device name is 'ARIES Digital Output' or 'ARIES Output', you will need to reboot the ARIES completely by disconnect power cord and restart. The alternative way is to press and hold the 'EXIT' key on the remote control for 7 seconds.
- If the device name is your USB DAC, you will need to reboot your USB DAC completely by disconnect power cord and restart. If the restart of USB DAC could not resolve the problem, you will also need to reboot ARIES completely by disconnect power cord and restart.
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